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The Helper

The Helper

<aside> đź”® The Program consists of different gamified elements. Become familiar with them.

🧬 Coval - Discord’s economy coin. You can collect Coval by doing quests, quizzes, and engaging with Alchemists. 🔆 XP (Experience) - Gain XP and Level up by interacting with Alchemists on Discord, completing quests, and taking part in quizzes. 🤴🏼 Ranks - Move up in ranks by completing quests, buying items, and interacting with Alchemists. 💰 Items - Buy characters, skins, magical chests, items for your character, and more at the # 🧬bazaar🔅 on Discord. 👑 The Council - The team at Covalent 🧙🏼‍♂️ The Elder - The Council’s Bot Helper on Discord who distributes items and rewards. (You can also chat with him for fun)


Alchemist Characters - Mage Lv2 and Beyond

<aside> đź”® Once you have reached Mage Lv2, you have established a precedent as a more seasoned and experienced Alchemist. Because of your hard work, The Council will grant you your first official NFT Character Badge, which you will use throughout the entire program. You never know what rewards or special privileges you might unlock with these.


Alchemist OG ONLY

Female 2 01.png


Female 3 01.png

Female 1 01.png

Male 2 01.png

Male 3 01.png

Male 1 01.png

Anon 2 01.png

Anon 1 01.png

Female 1 3.png

Female 1 5.png

Female 1 01.png

Female 1 9.png

Female 1 11.png

Female 1 7.png

Female 1 13.png

Female 1 15.png

Ranks and Roles

<aside> đź”® Here is a recap of how the ranks are unlocked.

If you try to take shortcuts, they won’t work and will flag you as a bad player. We will remove items, coins, rewards, your role as an Alchemist, etc., if we find inappropriate use of the program's # 💎 | shop and features. Don’t ruin the experience for everyone else.


Alchemist Shop

<aside> đź”® Do you want to know what the shop's items look like on Discord? Look below for a closer view. (Some will be NFT items.)

Items can be added or removed anytime, so watch the announcements!


Ranks/Roles (1)