Module 1 introduced you to Increment’s unique analytical approach: Data Unification, the Reach-Retention-Revenue framework, and data models. Module 2 now expands on this knowledge by doing a deep analysis of a DEX protocol using the DEX model. Using this analysis, you will decide how to allocate $100,000 in mining rewards to increase the engagement of the DEX’s average user.

The challenge submission page will open Wednesday, June 21st at 11 am PT and will close Monday, June 26th at 11:59 pm PT.

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Challenge 2: Profiling and Segmenting Users

Learning Outcomes

In this challenge, you will dive deep into how to use the DEX model to analyze the behaviour of a DEX’s userbase. Your challenge is to build charts and write a twitter thread to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Gain a deep understanding of how to use models to do powerful, in-depth analysis.
  2. Profile and segment the users of a protocol.
  3. Use data to make real business decisions.

Remember that the analysis should begin with a hypothesis that guides your investigation. Each chart should serve a purpose in validating or disproving the hypothesis, and the synthesis of your analysis should lead to meaningful outcomes and actionable insights. Charts and dashboards are useless by themself; it’s up to you to make them valuable through analysis.

Challenge Description

Imagine a scenario where a DEX protocol has contracted you to build analytics that profiles and segments the users of a DEX. This task requires you to create a comprehensive profile of the average user of a DEX.