Welcome, hackers 😀! Here, you will find all the information you need to get started on your project with Covalent. Keep reading!

💰 Judging Criteria

ℹ️ Covalent judges submissions based on their technical merits as well as the creativity and implementation details.

In general, submissions are graded on a 1-5 scale in each of the following categories

🗺️  Available APIs

Features Use cases
Wallet API All token balances, allowances, transfers and prices for a wallet. - Wallets & Portfolio trackers- Token gating, airdrop snapshots
Security API NFT and token allowances, including value at risk - Wallets, security applications
Cross-Chain Activity API Single API call to fetch all active chains and latest transaction date for an address. - App onboarding
Transactions API All historical transactions with human-readable log events. Includes gas usage summaries. - Accounting and tax tools- Branded in-app transaction receipts
NFT API Media assets, metadata, sales, owners, trait & attribute filters, thumbnails & previews - NFT galleries & marketplaces- Real world asset (RWA) tracking- Token gating
DEX API Positions, rewards, pool and token details for major DEX protocols - Analytics dashboards- Leaderboards- Reward calculators& optimizers
Blockchain API Block details, log events by contract address or topic hash, gas prices - Custom block explorers

🗺️  Developer Tools

1. Unified API

Enterprise-grade REST API endpoints to use with any programming language. Switch blockchains with one path parameter.

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2. Client SDKs

Official client libraries in your favourite programming languages and frameworks.

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